LeetCode Linked List Question Summary

Xiahua Liu November 09, 2024 #LeetCode #C++ #Algorithm #Linked List

After solved around 20 questions on leetcode about linked list, I think it is time to summarize everything I learned so far:

Type Definition

It is usually defined as:

struct ListNode {
    int val;
    ListNode* next;
    ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
    ListNode(int _val) : val(_val), next(nullptr) {}
    ListNode(int _val, ListNode* _next) : val(_val), next(_next) {}

Linked List Traversal

It is important to know whether you want to traverse a linked list in pre order or post order.

Pre-Order Traversal

Iterative style

The logic is very simple:

for (auto p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next) {
  // Do something to p.

If we need to visit 2 nodes at once (like manipulating the link), use prev pointer to store the last visited node.

ListNode* prev = nullptr;
for (auto p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next) {
  // Do something to prev, p.
  prev = p;

Recursive style

void do_something(ListNode* cur) {
    if (cur == nullptr) {
    } else {
        // Do something to cur

If 2 nodes are needed inside a loop:

void do_something(ListNode* prev, ListNode* cur) {
    if (cur == nullptr) {
        // Do something at the end
    } else {
        // Do something to prev, cur
        do_something(cur, cur->next);

do_something(nullptr, head);

Post-Order Traversal

This type of traversal is only viable through either a stack or recursive functions.

We process the end node first, and go back to the head node one by one.

Iterative style

In order to interatively do the post-order traversal, a stack is needed at the beginning.

auto next = stack<ListNode*>();
// First push all nodes to a stack
for (auto p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next) {
// Pop one by one
while (!next.empty()) {
    auto p = next.top();
    // Do something to p

If 2 node is needed, you can push a nullptr at the bottom, and check if nullptr is at the top during the loop:

auto next = stack<ListNode*>({nullptr});
// First push all nodes to a stack
for (auto p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next) {
// Pop one by one
while (next.top() != nullptr) {
    auto p = next.top();
    // Do something to p and next.top()

Recursive style

You can also do the post order traversal in the recursive style:

void do_something(ListNode* cur) {
    if (cur == nullptr) {
    } else {
        // Do something to cur

Notice the difference between the pre and post order traversal because they are very similar here.

For post-order traversal, we first call the recursive function, then do something to the current node.

2-node post-order traversal:

void do_something(ListNode* prev, ListNode* cur) {
    if (cur == nullptr) {
    } else {
        do_something(cur, cur->next);
        // Do something to cur, cur->next

do_something(nullptr, head);


A good example to use all of above things we dicussed is LeetCode question 206: Reverse Linked List.

Pre-Order Traversal Solution

Because we need to visit 2 nodes at once:

Iterative style

ListNode* reverse_linked_list_pre_iter(ListNode* head) {
    ListNode* prev = nullptr;
    for (auto p = head; p != nullptr;) {
        auto next_tmp = p->next;
        p->next = prev;
        prev = p;
        p = next_tmp;
    return prev;

ListNode* reverse_linked_list(ListNode* head) {
    return reverse_linked_list_pre_iter(head);

Recursive style

ListNode* reverse_linked_list_pre_recur(ListNode* prev, ListNode* cur) {
    if (cur == nullptr) {
        return prev;
    } else {
        auto next_tmp = cur->next;
        cur->next = prev;
        return reverse_linked_list_pre_recur(cur, next_tmp);

ListNode* reverse_linked_list(ListNode* head) {
    return reverse_linked_list_pre_recur(nullptr, head);

Post-Order Traversal Solution

Iterative style

ListNode* reverse_linked_list_post_iter(ListNode* head) {
    auto next = stack<ListNode*>({nullptr});
    for (auto p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next) {
    auto new_head = next.top();
    while (next.top() != nullptr) {
        auto cur = next.top();
        auto prev = next.top();
        cur->next = prev;
    return new_head;

ListNode* reverse_linked_list(ListNode* head) {
    return reverse_linked_list_post_iter(head);

Recursive style

void reverse_linked_list_post_recur(ListNode* prev, ListNode* cur, ListNode*& result) {
    if (cur == nullptr) {
        result = prev;
    } else {
        reverse_linked_list_post_recur(cur, cur->next, result);
        cur->next = prev;

ListNode* reverse_linked_list(ListNode* head) {
    ListNode* result = nullptr;
    reverse_linked_list_post_recur(nullptr, head, result);
    return result;

Create a Linked List

Always add a dummy node at the beginning for null case.